20 November 2006

One word.

Last week was speakers week. It's a time when we didn't have any classes and just went to two sessions daily with different pastors. It's a time when we are all supposed to be hearing from God. I have been frustrated lately because I haven't been hearing from Him. At all. I thought that speakers week would be a great time to change that. On Friday I woke up with a migrane. I think it was only my second or third one of my life. I wore my sunglasses to session and slept between them. After the second session (I left early because I was so nauseated) I went back to my room to try to sleep. I think the only way I can properly describe the state of my mind at that time is this: insane. I couldn't put two words together and my mind was racing all over the place -- and not making sense at the same time. I cried out to God, "I need to sleep, I can't sleep, I need You, help!"

And He spoke. One word.


My mind instantly quieted and I was asleep in five minutes. This was my third nap that day, and the others had had no effect. This one, however, was my cure. I woke up at dinner time. I was hungry. I could walk without being dizzy and open my eyes without sunglasses. It was God.


1 comment:

Thundercat said...

Have you ever heard the quote (paraphrased)?:

If you talk to God it’s called a prayer and if God talks to you it’s called schizophrenia.

God doesn’t talk to anybody, he just doesn’t. I’m not saying he isn’t up there but that’s going way too far buddy.