Ok, I know I promised I'd write on Sunday, but we aren't allowed on the internet on Sundays and then I kinda got busy and...yeah...sorry. I'll have a slideshow up in a couple of days. I'm still waiting on the pictures from Jessie as we haven't traded ours yet. How was the outreach? Incredible.
To refresh, our team was 8 people

(left to right) Jessie, me, Irina, Nari, Joseph, Nic, Andrew (team leader), Jonathan.
It was a lot of different personalities all put together to create something that only God can create. We took the train from Siegen to Leipzig. We traveled for 9 hours, but only about 6 of those were actually on trains. Overall, the trip didn't seem that long or very tiring. That Saturday we basically became aquainted with the church and we slept. On Sunday we went to church, fellowshipped with the body and then went around the city. Because most of us were crazy Americans, we decided it would be a good idea to get some ice cream.

There are two Americans from Seattle who are missionaries in this church, Cary (Left) and Jake (right). All the guys stayed at their apartment.

They took us around the city and all, along with the pastor, Kurt.

The other guy we spent a lot of time with was Stephan, who works in the church. Jessie was staying with him and his wife. He didn't like having pictures taken of him so I always had to sneak them...

Anyway, so those are the people from the church. On Monday morning we started our ministry of handing out free coffee to people on the street. We were right next to the University so we got a lot of kids as well as adults. We did that every morning except Friday. We had a lot of good conversations with people and planted many seeds.

During the afternoons we held a kind of VBS for some kids. The first day we tried to hold it in a room but it didn't go over very well. Only two kids came. Starting on Tuesday we held it in the park. That was a lot better and more kids came. They would play football (soccer for you Yanks) with the kids and then during half time we would bring the kids up onto this hill. We sang, taught a short Bible lesson, and did a craft.

And the park was just stinkin' cool! I wish I had THIS when I was younger!

Or this!

We had an amazing time! There are a lot of stories to tell and a lot more pictures. You can check out all my pictures on my webshots (link on the left in my links section) and a slideshow will be coming soon - as soon as I exchange pictures with Jessie. I will leave you with this picture. I am proud of it. Jonathan is left and Jessie is right.

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